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Artículos de revista
- R.C. Hernández-Del Valle, D. Gutiérrez y M. Castelán, «Asymmetrical Frontal Brain Activity During Muscular Fatigue: An Electroencephalography Study», en revisión para Experimental Brain Research, dentro de la colección temática «Exercise-Related Changes to Brain: From Physiology to Behaviour», 2025.
- D. Gutiérrez, «Changes in Functional Brain Connectivity of Electroencephalography while Learning to Touch-type», en revisión para Experimental Brain Research, 2025.
- E. Jiménez-Cruz y D. Gutiérrez, «Interference suppression in EEG Dipole Source Localization through Reduced-rank Beamforming», Applied Sciences, vol. 13, no. 5, id. 3241, 2023. DOI: 10.3390/app13053241
- G. Presbı́tero, D. Gutiérrez, W.R. Lemus-Martı́nez, J.F. Vilchez, P. Garcı́a, y A. Arizmendi-Morquecho, «Assessment of quality in osteoporotic human trabecular bone and its relationship to mechanical properties,» Applied Sciences, vol. 11, no. 12, id. 5479, 2021. DOI: 10.3390/app11125479
- K. A. Pichardo-Rivas y D. Gutiérrez, «On the functional connectivity between heart, muscle, and
frontal brain cortex during muscle fatigability,» Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering, vol. 24, no. 7, pp. 710-720, 2021. DOI: 10.1080/10255842.2020.1849154
- L. Peralta-Malváez, R. Salazar-Varas, G. Etcheverry y D. Gutiérrez, «Using data assimilation for quantitative electroencephalography analysis,» Brain Sciences, vol. 10, no. 11, id. 853, 2020. DOI: 10.3390/brainsci10110853
- M. Alanis-Espinosa y D. Gutiérrez, «On the assesment of functional connectivity in an immersive brain-computer interface during motor imagery,» Frontiers in Psychology, vol. 11, artículo 1301, 2020. DOI: 10.3389/fpsyg.2020.01301
- M. Ortiz, E. Iañez, J. Gaxiola, D. Gutiérrez y J. M. Azorín, «Study of the functional brain connectivity and lower-limb motor imagery performance after transcranial direct current stimulation,» International Journal of Neural Systems, vol. 30, no. 8, pp. 1-15, 2020. DOI: 10.1142/S0129065720500380
- M. A. Ramirez-Moreno y D. Gutiérrez, «Evaluating a Semi-Autonomous Brain-Computer Interface Based on Conformal Geometric Algebra and Artificial Vision,» Computational Intelligence and Neuroscience, vol. 2019, Article ID 9374802, 19 pages, 2019. DOI: 10.1155/2019/9374802
- T. Piotrowski, J. Nikadon y D. Gutiérrez, «MV-PURE Spatial Filters with Application to EEG/MEG Source Reconstruction,» IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, vol. 67, no. 3, pp. 553-567, Feb. 2019. DOI: 10.1109/TSP.2018.2883851
- G. M. Martínez-Aguilar y D. Gutiérrez, «Using cortico-muscular and cortico-cardiac coherence to study the role of the brain in the development of muscular fatigue,» Biomedical Signal Processing and Control, vol. 48, pp.153-160, Feb. 2019. DOI: 10.1016/j.bspc.2018.10.011
- J. A. Gaxiola-Tirado, R. Salazar-Varas y D. Gutiérrez, «Using the partial directed coherence to assess functional connectivity in electroencephalographic data for brain-computer interfaces,» IEEE Transactions on Cognitive and Developmental Systems, vol. 10, no. 3, pp. 776-783, 2018. DOI: 10.1109/TCDS.2017.2777180
- G. Presbítero, M. A. L. Hernández-Rodríguez, G. R. Contreras-Hernández, J. Félix-Vilchez, O. Susarrey y D. Gutiérrez, «Microdamage distribution in fatigue fractures of bone allografts following gamma-ray exposure,» Acta of Bioengineering and Biomechanics, vol. 19, no. 4, pp. 43-53, 2017. DOI: 10.5277/ABB-00824-2017-04
- M. Alcocer-Sosa y D. Gutiérrez, «Third-order Harmonic Expansion of the Magnetoencephalography Forward and Inverse Problems in an Ellipsoidal Brain Model,» International Journal for Numerical Methods in Biomedical Engineering, vol.33, no. 4, id. e02810, 2017. DOI: 10.1002/cnm.2810
- D. Gutiérrez y M. A. Ramírez-Moreno, «Assessing a Learning Process with Functional ANOVA Estimators of EEG Power Spectral Densities,» Cognitive Neurodynamics, vol. 10, no. 2, pp. 175-183, 2016. DOI: 10.1007/s11571-015-9368-7
- C. C. Zaragoza-Martínez y D. Gutiérrez, «New Perspectives on the Use of Spatial Filters in Magnetoencephalographic Array Processing,» Computación y Sistemas, An International Journal on Computer Science and Applications, vol. 20, no. 1, pp. 115-125, 2016. DOI: 10.13053/CyS-20-1-2185
- I. N. Angulo-Sherman y D. Gutiérrez, «A link between the increase in electroencephalographic coherence and performance improvement in operating a brain-computer interface,» Computational Intelligence and Neuroscience, vol. 2015, Article ID 824175, 2015. DOI: 10.1155/2015/824175
- R. Salazar-Varas y D. Gutiérrez, «An Optimized Feature Selection and Classification Method for Using Electroencephalographic Coherence in Brain-Computer Interfaces,» Biomedical Signal Processing and Control, vol. 18, pp. 11-18, Abril 2015. DOI: 10.1016/j.bspc.2014.11.001
- D. I. Escalona-Vargas, I. López-Arévalo y D. Gutiérrez, «Multicompare tests of the performance of different metaheuristics in EEG dipole source localization,» The Scientific World Journal, vol. 2014, Article ID 524367, 2014. DOI: 10.1155/2014/524367
- D. I. Escalona-Vargas, D. Gutiérrez e I. López-Arévalo, «Performance of Different Metaheuristics in EEG Source Localization Compared to the Cramér-Rao Bound,» Neurocomputing, vol. 120, pp. 597-609, 2013. DOI: 10.1016/j.neucom.2013.04.010
- C. C. Zaragoza-Martínez y D. Gutiérrez, «Electro/Magnetoencephalography Beamforming with Spatial Restrictions Based on Sparsity,» Biomedical Signal Processing and Control, vol. 8, no. 6, pp. 615-623, 2013. DOI: 10.1016/j.bspc.2013.05.011
- D. Gutiérrez, «Multivariate Time-Varying Autoregressive Modeling of Fetal Sympatho-Vagal Balance Through Gestation,» Biomedical Engineering: Applications, Basis and Communications, vol. 25, no. 1, pp. 1350014/1-11, 2013. DOI: 10.4015/S1016237213500142
- D. Gutiérrez y R. Salazar-Varas, «Using Eigenstructure Decomposition of Time-Varying Autoregressions in Common Spatial Patterns-Based EEG Signal Classification,» Biomedical Signal Processing and Control, vol.7, no.6, pp.622-631, 2012. DOI: 10.1016/j.bspc.2012.03.004
- D. Gutiérrez y D. I. Escalona-Vargas, «EEG Data Classification through Signal Spatial Redistribution and Optimized Linear Discriminants,» Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine, vol.97, no.1, pp. 39-47, 2010. DOI: 10.1016/j.cmpb.2009.05.005
- D. Gutiérrez y A. Nehorai, «Array Response Kernels for EEG and MEG in Multilayer Ellipsoidal Geometry,» IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, vol.55, no.3, pp. 1103-1111, Marzo 2008. DOI: 10.1109/TBME.2007.906493
- D. Gutiérrez, A. Nehorai y A. Dogandzic, «Performance Analysis of Reduced-Rank Beamformers for Estimating Dipole Source Signals Using EEG/MEG,» IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, vol.53, no.5, pp. 840-844, Mayo 2006. DOI: 10.1109/TBME.2005.863942
- D. Gutiérrez, A. Nehorai y H. Preissl, «Ellipsoid Head Model for Fetal Magnetoencephalography: Forward and Inverse Solutions,» Physics in Medicine and Biology, vol.50, no.9, pp. 2141-2157, Mayo 2005. DOI: 10.1088/0031-9155/50/9/015
- D. Gutiérrez, A. Nehorai y C. Muravchik, «Estimating Brain Conductivities and Dipole Source Signals with EEG Arrays,» IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, vol.51, no.12, pp. 2113-2122, Diciembre 2004. DOI: 10.1109/TBME.2004.836507
Base de datos pública
- D. Gutiérrez y M. A. Ramírez-Moreno , «Electroencephalography measurements during Colemak typing lessons», IEEE Dataport, 2020. [Online]. Disponible en DOI: 10.21227/7dmt-jj36.
Artículos de congreso
- E. Jiménez-Cruz y D. Gutiérrez, «Reduced-rank beamforming for brain source localization in presence of high background activity,» 53rd Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems, and Computers, Pacific Grove, CA, USA, Noviembre 2019, pp. 2166-2170. DOI: 10.1109/IEEECONF44664.2019.9048658
- J. A. Gaxiola-Tirado, E. Ianez, M. Ortiz, D. Gutiérrez y J. M. Azorin, «Effects of an exoskeleton-assisted gait motor imagery training in functional brain connectivity,» en Proceedings of the 41st Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, Berlin, Alemania, Jul. 2019, pp. 429-432. DOI: 10.1109/EMBC.2019.8857232
- J. A. Gaxiola-Tirado, M. Rodriguez-Ugarte, E. Ianez, M. Ortiz, D. Gutiérrez y J. M. Azorin, «The effect of tDCS on functional connectivity in gait motor imagery,» en Proceedings of the 8th International Work-conference on the Interplay between Natural and Artificial Computation, Almería, España, Jun. 2019, pp. 3-10. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-19591-5_1
- M. Alanís-Espinosa y D. Gutiérrez, «Using the Partial Directed Coherence to Understand Brain Functional Connectivity During Movement Imagery Tasks,» en 11th International Conference on Brain Informatics, Arlington, Texas, EUA, Dic. 2018, pp. 119-128. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-05587-5_12
- M. A. Ramírez-Moreno, S. M. Orozco-Soto, J. M. Ibarra-Zannatha y D. Gutiérrez, «Artificial Vision Algorithm for Object Manipulation with a Robotic Arm in a Semi-Autonomous Brain-Computer Interface,» en The International Symposium on Wearable Robotics, Pisa, Italia, Oct. 2018, pp. 187-191. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-01887-0_36
- M. A. Ramírez-Moreno y D. Gutiérrez, «Modeling a robotic arm with conformal geometric algebra in a brain-computer interface,» en Proceedings of the 28th International Conference on Electronics, Communications, and Computers, Cholula, Puebla, México, Feb. 2018, pp. 11-17. DOI: 10.1109/CONIELECOMP.2018.8327169 (Premiado como el mejor artículo del congreso)
- G. Presbítero, D. Gutiérrez y D. Taylor, «Osteoporosis and fatigue fracture prevention by analysis of bone microdamage,» en TMS 2017 146th Annual Meeting & Exhibition Supplemental Proceedings, San Diego, CA, EUA, Febrero 26 – Marzo 2, 2017, pp. 319-330. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-51493-2_30
- M. Alcocer-Sosa y D. Gutiérrez, «Electroencephalography in ellipsoidal geometry with fourth-order harmonics,» en Proceedings of the 36th Annual IEEE/EMBS International Conference, Orlando, FL, EUA, Agosto 16-20, 2016, pp. 4523-4526. DOI: 10.1109/EMBC.2016.7591733
- T. Piotrowski, J. Nikadon y D. Gutiérrez, «Reconstruction of brain activity in EEG/MEG using reduced-rank nulling spatial filter,» en Proceedings of the 2016 IEEE Statistical Signal Processing Workshop,Palma de Mallorca, España, Junio 26-29, 2016. DOI: 10.1109/SSP.2016.7551796
- R. Salazar-Varas y D. Gutiérrez, «Feature Extraction for Multi-class BCI using EEG coherence,» en Proceedings of the 7th International IEEE EMBS Neural Engineering Conference, Montpellier, Francia, Abril 2015, pp. 94-97. DOI: 10.1109/NER.2015.7146568
- D. Gutiérrez, M. A. Ramírez-Moreno y A. G. Lazcano-Herrera, «Assessing the Acquisition of a New Skill with Electroencephalography,» en Proceedings of the 7th International IEEE EMBS Neural Engineering Conference, Montpellier, Francia, Abril 2015, pp. 727-730. DOI: 10.1109/NER.2015.7146726
- T. Piotrowski, D. Gutiérrez, I. Yamada y J. Zygierewicz, «A family of reduced-rank neural activity indices for EEG/MEG source localization,» en Proceedings of the 2014 International Conference on Brain Informatics and Health, Varsovia, Polonia, Agosto 2014, pp. 447-458. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-09891-3_41
- T. Piotrowski, D. Gutiérrez, I. Yamada y J. Zygierewicz, «Reduced-rank neural activity index for EEG/MEG multi-source localization,» en Proceedings of the 39th International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, Florencia, Italia, Mayo 2014, pp. 4708-4712. DOI: 10.1109/ICASSP.2014.6854495
- I. N. Angulo-Sherman y D. Gutiérrez, «Effect of different feedback modalities in the performance of brain-computer interfaces,» en Proceedings of the 24th International Conference on Electronics, Communications, and Computers, Cholula, Puebla, México, Feb. 2014, pp. 14-21. DOI: 10.1109/CONIELECOMP.2014.6808561 (Premiado como el mejor artículo del congreso)
- T. Piotrowski, C. C. Zaragoza-Martínez, D. Gutiérrez e I. Yamada, «MV-PURE estimator of dipole source signals in EEG,» en Proceedings of the 38th International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, Vancouver, Canadá, Mayo 2013, pp. 968-972. DOI: 10.1109/ICASSP.2013.6637793
- D. Gutiérrez y C. C. Zaragoza-Martínez, «EEG Source Localization Using Beamforming in Energy-Constrained Regions,» en Proceedings of the 46th Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems, and Computers, Pacific Grove, CA, EUA, Nov. 2012, pp. 858-861. DOI: 10.1109/ACSSC.2012.6489136
- D. Gutiérrez y M. Alcocer-Sosa, «A Third-Order Approximate Solution of the EEG Forward Problem in Four-Shell Ellipsoidal Geometry,» en Proceedings of the 46th Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems, and Computers, Pacific Grove, CA, EUA, Nov. 2012, pp. 633-637. DOI: 10.1109/ACSSC.2012.6489086
- D. I. Escalona-Vargas, I. López-Arévalo y D. Gutiérrez, «On the Performance of Metaheuristic Algorithms in the Solution of the EEG Inverse Problem,» en Proceedings of the Third World Congress on Nature and Biologically Inspired Computing, Salamanca, España, Oct. 2011, pp. 70-75. DOI: 10.1109/NaBIC.2011.6089419
- D. I. Escalona-Vargas, D. Gutiérrez e I. López-Arévalo, «Cramér-Rao Bounds on the Performance of Simulated Annealing and Genetic Algorithms in EEG Source Localization,» en Proceedings of the 33th Annual IEEE/EMBS International Conference, Boston, MA, EUA, 2011, pp. 7115-7118. DOI: 10.1109/IEMBS.2011.6091798
- D. Gutiérrez y Rocio Salazar-Varas, «EEG Signal Classification Using Time-Varying Autoregressive Models and Common Spatial Patterns,» en Proceedings of the 33th Annual IEEE/EMBS International Conference, Boston, MA, EUA, 2011, pp. 6585-6588. DOI: 10.1109/IEMBS.2011.6091624
- D. Gutiérrez, F.M. García-Guevara, I. Kiefer, R. Draganova y H. Preissl, «Characterizing Fetal Sympatho-Vagal Balance Through Multivariate Time-Varying Autoregressive Modeling of Magnetocardiographic Data,» en Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Biomagnetism, Dubrovnik, Croacia, 2010, pp. 270-273. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-12197-5_62
- D. Gutiérrez, «Using Single/Multi-Channel Energy Transform as Preprocesing Tool for Magnetoencephalographic data-based applications,» en Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Electronics, Communications, and Computers, Cholula, Puebla, México, Feb. 2010, pp. 114-118. DOI:10.1109/CONIELECOMP.2010.5440785
- D. Gutiérrez, «Designing a spatial filter to improve SNR in two-class discrimination problems for BCI applications,» en Proceedings of the 42nd Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems and Computers, Pacific Grove, CA, EUA, Oct. 2008, pp. 372-377. DOI: 10.1109/ACSSC.2008.5074428
- D. Gutiérrez, H. Preissl, H. Eswaran y C.L. Lowery, «A Study of Fetal Sympatho-Vagal Balance at Various Gestational Periods Using the Length Transform on Magnetocardiographic Data,» en Computers in Cardiology 2007, Durham, NC, EUA, Oct. 2007, pp. 685-688. DOI: 10.1109/CIC.2007.4745578
- D. Gutiérrez y A. Nehorai, «Array Response Kernel for EEG in Four-Shell Ellipsoidal Geometry,» en Proceedings of the 40th Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems, and Computers, Pacific Grove, CA, EUA, Nov. 2006, pp. 151-155.DOI: 10.1109/ACSSC.2006.356604
- D. Gutiérrez y A. Nehorai, «Array Response Kernels for EEG/MEG in Single-Shell Ellipsoidal Geometry,» en Proceedings of the 2005 1st IEEE International Workshop on Computational Advances in Multi-Sensor Adaptive Processing, Puerto Vallarta, México, Dic. 2005, pp. 225-228. DOI: 10.1109/CAMAP.2005.1574225
- D. Gutiérrez, F. García-Nocetti y J. Solano-González, «Classification of Multichannel EEG Data using Lenght/Energy Transforms,» en Proceedings of the 2005 1st IEEE International Workshop on Computational Advances in Multi-Sensor Adaptive Processing, Puerto Vallarta, México, Dic. 2005, pp. 221-224. DOI: 10.1109/CAMAP.2005.1574224
- S. Waldert, D. Gutiérrez, A. Nehorai, D. McKenzie, C. Lowery, P. Murphy, H. Eswaran y H. Preissl, «Real-time Access of Magnetoencephalographic/cardiographic Data: Technical Realization and Application to Online Fetal Heart Rate Recording,» en Proceedings of the 27th Annual IEEE/EMBS International Conference, Shangai, China, Sept. 2005, pp. 5987-5990. DOI: 10.1109/IEMBS.2005.1615855
- D. Gutiérrez, A. Nehorai y A. Dogandzic, «MEG Source Estimation in the Presence of Low-Rank Interference Using Cross-Spectral Metrics,» en Proceedings of the 26th Annual IEEE/EMBS International Conference, San Francisco, CA, EUA, Sept. 2004, pp.990-993. DOI: 10.1109/IEMBS.2004.1403328
- D. Gutiérrez, A. Nehorai, D. McKenzie, H. Eswaran, C. L. Lowery y H. Preissl, «On-line Fetal Heart Rate Monitoring Using SQUID Sensor Arrays,» en Proceedings of the 14th Biennial BIOMAG Conference, Boston, MA, EUA, Agosto 2004, pp. 315-316.
- D. Gutiérrez, A. Nehorai, C. Muravchik y J. Lewine. «Estimating Conductivities and Dipole Source Signal with EEG Arrays,» en Proceedings of the 13th Biennial BIOMAG Conference, Jena, Alemania, 2002, pp.700-702.
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